Sanskrit Version & Meaning இத்துதிப் பாடல் தேவி மஹாத்மியத்தில் 1.55, 4.17,11.10,11.12, 11.24, 11.29. Jun 24, 2019 Durga manthiram in tamil பார்வதி தேவியின் வடிவமாக திகழ்பவள் துர்க்கை. வடமொழியில் துர்க்கை என்றால் 'வெல்ல முடியாதவள்' என்று பொருள்.
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Home >Stotras >Durga >Durga Saptashloki - Seven shlokas from Devi MahatmyamDevi Durga
|| Shriidurgaasaptashlokii ||
नारायणऋषिः । अनुष्टुपादीनिछन्दांसि ।
श्रीमहाकालीमहालक्ष्मीमहासरस्वत्योदेवताः ।
श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थपाठेविनियोगः ॥
Om Asya Shrii-Durgaa-Sapta-Shlokii-Stotra-Mahaa-Mantrasya
Naaraayanna Rssih | Anussttupa-[A]adiini Chanda-Amsi |
Shrii-Mahaakaalii-Mahaalakssmii-Mahaasarasvatyo Devataah |
Shrii Jagad-Ambaa-Priity[i]-Artha Paatthe Viniyogah ||
1:Om, this Sri Durga Saptashloki Stotra Maha Mantra ...
2: ... which is composed by Sri Narayana Rishi, is in Anusthup and other Metres.
3: This Maha Mantra is Dedicated to the Goddesses Sri Mahakali, Sri Mahalakshmi and Sri Mahasaraswati,
4: This Maha Mantra is Meant to be Recited to Please the Jagadamba (Mother of the Universe).
ज्ञानिनामपिचेतांसिदेविभगवतीहिसा ।
बलादाकृष्यमोहायमहामायाप्रयच्छति ॥१॥
Jnyaaninaam-Api Cetaamsi Devi Bhagavatii Hi Saa |
Balaad-Aakrssya Mohaaya Mahaa-Maayaa Prayacchati ||1||
1.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) Even the consciousness of the Jnanis (Spiritually-Evolved souls) are part of You, O Devi Bhagavati, for You, ...
1.2: ... make them attract towards Moha (Delusion) by Your Power, when You the Mahamaya Will so (such is Your Power and Divine Play).
स्वस्थैःस्मृतामतिमतीवशुभांददासि ।
सर्वोपकारकरणायसदार्द्रचित्ता ॥२॥
Durge Smrtaa Harasi Bhiitim-Ashessa-Jantoh
Svasthaih Smrtaa Matim-Atiiva Shubhaam Dadaasi |
Daaridraya-Duhkha-Bhaya-Haarinni Kaa Tvad-Anyaa
Sarvo[a-U]pakaara-Karannaaya Sadaa-[Aa]rdra Cittaa ||2||
2.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) O Devi Durga, Whoever Remembers You with Devotion, You Remove the endless Fears of Samsara from the mind of that Person,
2.2: (And) Whoever Meditates on You in their Heart, You bestow exceeding Auspiciousness (which is beyond description),
2.3: O Mother, Apart from You, Who else can destroy Poverty, Sorrow and Fear from our Lives? (which appears to be a never-ending cycle),
2.4: Your Heart is always full of Compassion for rendering all sorts of Help to Your Devotees.
सर्वमंगलमांगल्येशिवेसर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्येत्र्यम्बकेगौरिनारायणिनमोऽस्तुते ॥३॥
Sarva-Manggala-Maangalye Shive Sarvaartha-Saadhike |
Sharannye Try[i]-Ambake Gauri Naaraayanni Namostu Te ||3||
3.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) O the Auspiciousness in all the Auspicious, Auspiciousness Herself and Fulfiller of all the Objectives of the Devotees (Purusharthas - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha) ...,
3.2: O the giver of Refuge, with Three Eyes (spanning the Past, Present and Future; and containing within them the Sun, Moon and the Fire), the Gauri (Shining One); Salutations to You O Narayani.
शरणागतदीनार्तपरित्राणपरायणे ।
सर्वस्यार्तिहरेदेविनारायणिनमोऽस्तुते ॥४॥
Sharannaagata-Diina-[A]arta-Paritraanna-Paraayanne |
Sarvasy-Aarti-Hare Devi Naaraayanni Namostu Te ||4||
4.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) You are Intent upon Rescuing the Distressed and the Oppressed who take Your Refuge whole-heartedly, ...
4.2: ... and Remove All their Sufferings; Salutations to You O Narayani.
सर्वस्वरूपेसर्वेशेसर्वशक्तिसमन्विते ।
भयेभ्यस्त्राहिनोदेविदुर्गेदेवीनमोऽस्तुते ॥५॥
Sarva-Svaruupe Sarveshe Sarva-Shakti-Samanvite |
Bhayebhyas-Traahi No Devi Durge Devii Namostu Te ||5||
5.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) You Exist in All Forms of All Gods, and You are the Possessor of All Powers,
5.2: O Devi, Please Protect us from all Fears; Salutations to You, O Durga Devi.
रोगानशेषानपहंसितुष्टारुष्टातुकामान्सकलानभीष्टान् ।
त्वामाश्रितानांनविपन्नराणांत्वामाश्रिताह्याश्रयतांप्रयान्ति ॥६॥
Rogaan-Ashessaan-Apahamsi Tussttaa Russttaa Tu Kaamaan Sakalaan-Abhiissttaan |
Tvaam-Aashritaanaam Na Vipan-Naraannaam Tvaam-Aashritaa Hy[i]-Aashraya-Taam Prayaanti ||6||
6.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) When You are Pleased with our Devotion, You Destroy to the very Root our worldly Diseases (our inner demons); but if You are Displeased with us (for any reason), You will destroy All our Aspirations and Wishes (i.e. they will remain ever unfulfilled),
6.2: By Your Refuge, Men cannot Go Astray and no Misfortunes can finally overcome them; Your Refuge Indeed is my final Refuge when I Depart from this World.
सर्वाबाधाप्रशमनंत्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि ।
एवमेवत्वयाकार्यमस्मद्वैरिविनाशनम् ॥७॥
Sarva-[A]abaadhaa-Prashamanam Trai-Lokyasya-Akhile[a-I]shvari |
Evam-Eva Tvayaa Kaaryam-Asmad-Vairi Vinaashanam ||7||
7.1: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) O Goddess of All the Three Worlds, when You are Pleased, You Mitigate All our Distresses.
7.2:Thus, in this Manner, Your Grace Works to Destroy our Inner Enemies.
Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
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Translated by greenmesg
Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:
1. Stotras2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature
Durga Saptashloki Stotram (Saptashloki Durga Stotra) is an alternate prayer for Durga Saptashati or Chandi Path stotram which is revered as the most important text during Navratri Durga Puja.
Those who are unable to chant Durga Saptashathi can recite this as an alternate to get blessings of Goddess Durga. This seven-verse stotram explains the highlights of 700 verses of Durga Saptashati.
Here are the lyrics of Durga Saptashloki stotram in English:
Gnaninamapi chetamsi devi bhagawatee sadaa
Baladaa krushya mohaya mahamayaa prayachchathi //1//
Durgesmrita harasi mathi mashesha jantho
Swasthai smrita mathi matheeva shubhaam dadasi
Daridrya dukha bhaya harini kathwadanya
Sarvopakara karanaya sadarthra chittha //2//
Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike
Saranye thriyambake gauri narayani namosthuthe //3//
Saranagatha deenartha paritrana parayane
Sarvasyarti hare devi narayani namosthuthe //4//
Sarvaswarupe sarveshe sarva shakti samanvithe
Bhaye bhyasthrahi no devi durgedevi namosthuthe //5//
Rogaana seshana pahamsi tushta rushta thu kaamaan sakalana bheeshtan
Thwama shrithanam navipanna raanaam thwama shrithahya shrayatham prayanthi //6//
Durga Saptashloki In Tamil Pdf Hindi
Sarvabhadaa prashamanam thrailokyasya akhileshwari
Saptashloki Shakti
Evameva thwaya karyamasmath vairi vinashanam //7//