Koha 32 bit free download. MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows The mingw-w64 project is a complete runtime environment for gcc to support binaries native to Window. Koha Library Software The world's first free and open source library system Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system. Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies worldwide. Comparison Chart of the Best 8 Free & Open Source Library Management Software Solutions Koha. Koha is one of the most advanced, free and open source Integrated library management software (ILMS). Introduced in 1999, Koha has been used by thousands of libraries across the world. Users are impressed with this software simply because of its features.
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Koha is the open–source Integrated Library System (ILS) and widely used by worldwide school, colleges, universities and special libraries. Koha can easily accessible through this website.
Koha comes with many features & due to this reason Koha can be used as inventory management software or as Point of Sales (POS) software. Through koha digital repository can be maintained easily by just few configurations. Koha provide unique searching feature which enable user to find books or records effectively within no time duration. Due to this reason mostly organization in the world used koha like library of Congress used koha software. Koha can be customized according to our needs due to its open source software and comes with a General Public License.
Prerequisite for the installation of Koha
Koha is open source software and run on linux environment. Koha can be installed on any flavor of Linux. Mostly people installed koha on Debian because Debian is an less resource hungry OS as compared to the other Linux OS. Some basic requirements are mentioned below for the installation of Koha.
- A Linux server – Debian is what most people use
- Apache
- MySQL (up to version 5.6) or MariaDB
- Perl
- Root access to the server
- An advanced level of skills or hands on experience on command line, Apache, and MySQL tools
You should also have root access to the server, you should have a reasonable level of comfort working with Linux at the command line Interface, and a general understanding of database structure will also help.
Koha Open Source Library Software
You should also have root access to the server, you should have a reasonable level of comfort working with Linux at the command line level, and a general understanding of database structure will also help.
How to Install Koha Open Source Library Software using Ubuntu
Read out the below tutorial and follow the step wise guidelines you can easily install and Koha on Linux and Web Server.
Step 1: Update the Ubuntu
After that we have to update the package sources once:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 2: Setup a Repository
echo deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
Step 3: Download and set the key
wget -O- http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/gpg.asc | sudo apt-key add –
Then update ubuntu and its packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get clean
Step 4: Install the koha on the following commands
sudo apt-get install koha-common
open the file “ /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf” and change the INTRAPORT value to 8080 and OPACPORT value to 8081. and Save the file
sudo nano /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
Step 5: Installation of Database (Maria DB)
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
Now rebuild apache module for the databases
- sudo a2enmod rewrite
- sudo a2enmod cgi
- sudo service apache2 restart
Step 6: Now create DB for the KOHA
sudo koha-create –create-db library
Now instal secure Mysql setup
sudo mysql_secure_installation
“( The first answer is ‘n’ and the rest are all the defaults ‘Y’ )”
Now add the port of apache web server for the listening of koha server
for example
Listen 8080
Listen 8081
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Now amend and restart the Apache modules
sudo a2enmod deflate
-sudo a2ensite library
sudo service apache2 restart
Step 7: Now Start Koha from Web Installation
- Generate the password for the koha using give below command
sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v ‘yazgfs/config/pass’ /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml;echo
- Now open the koha through web browser
Now login through given username and password generated from above commands
username: koha_library
Password: ”use the above generated password” or
See from the file “/etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml”
Step 8: Configure Koha from the Web
First, get your password:
Command to take a backup
mysqldump koha_library >backup-file-sql-25-07-2017.sql
OpenBiblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality.
This site is a wiki. That means you can edit almost everything you see here. Please help us make this site better! If you just want to test out the wiki, you can do so in the WikiSandbox.
Security hardening package for older versions of OpenBiblio
Sat, 23 Aug 2014 00:00:00
The security patches introduced in OpenBiblio 0.7.2 are also available for some older versions. There is an easy to apply file download: https://sourceforge.net/p/obiblio/patches/82/
Release 0.7.2
Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:00:00
A bugfix release of OpenBiblio is available: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obiblio/files/OpenBiblio/0.7.2
Version 0.7.2 is recommended for new installs. Updating older versions is highly recommended because the most important changes are for hardening security.
See the ChangeLog for more details.
Release 0.7.1
Sun, 18 Mar 2012 00:00:00
Version 0.7.1 has been released. 0.7.1 is recommended for new installs and for updating older versions of OpenBiblio, including all versions from openbiblio.de
The most important changes are:
- Updated to be compatible with MySQL 5.5.
- Updated for PHP 5.3.x deprecated features.
- Updated for PHP 5.4.0 backward incompatible changes.
- Fixes for bugs in OpenBiblio features.
- New and changed features: Check In shows hyperlinked member name (with Days Late and outstanding Account Balance), Override Due Date, Renew All, Offline Circulation, Bibliography Checkout History, Custom Copy Fields, Copy Barcode Number validation less restrictive and optional, new search types Call Number and Keyword, OPAC search and view exclude nonpublic fields, new parameters for reports Copy Search and Popular Bibliographies, new reports, new layouts for media labels and member cards.
Read install_instructions.html in the download for more details.
Known limitations:
- MARC is not stored perfectly in the database tables (issue 1, fixed in obiblio-10-wip).
- The search process was designed to be easy for the end user, not to query large databases efficiently - do not expect great performance when more than 20,000 MARC records with lots of fields are imported.
- UTF-8 multibyte characters: very limited support in reports and possibly issues with search (issue 19).
- If you have not updated to 64 bit PHP before some day in the year 2038: days late and late fee not calculated, incorrect timestamp calculations for holds (issue 51).
Thank you:
Community members: for contributing new features, sending bug reports and fixes for bugs.
Micah Stetson: for starting OpenBiblio 0.7.0 and leading the project for many years.
-- Hans
Download links below are broken, use Downloads
Sun, 05 Apr 2009 02:34:14 GMT
After fighting with a PHP session bug, I've finally been able to add a CAPTCHA to the wiki. I'm hoping this will stop the problem with wiki spam. Thanks to all the dedicated people who've been cleaning up after the robots -- without you, the wiki would've become completely useless long ago.
If you have any problems with the CAPTCHA, email me.
-Micah (0 comments)
Release 0.6.1
Fri, 09 May 2008 22:27:15 GMT
I just posted OpenBiblio 0.6.1. It's a minor update to 0.6.0. If you haven't had any trouble with 0.6.0, there's no need to update.
We are still working on 1.0. It just has to be fit in among other work and our real lives. But it's moving ahead slowly.
You can download 0.6.1 here
-- Micah (2 comments)
A quick advertisement
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:28:01 GMT
I'm trying out SourceForge's new Marketplace feature. If you need OpenBiblio work done, you can purchase it directly from the web page for OpenBiblio services. This is one of the best ways to help improve OpenBiblio -- the last 2 releases (0.5.2 and 0.6.0) only happened because there were libraries willing to pay for part of the development.
Micah (0 comments)
Wiki Spam
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:50:54 GMT
We've been having to clean up a lot of wiki spam lately (thanks, Hans!), so I've just put a couple of countermeasures in place. They shouldn't affect most legitimate posts, but if you have any trouble, let me know.
Micah (0 comments)
Koha Library
Oops - I forgot to say thanks
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 21:06:52 GMT
I have to apologize. I completely forgot to mention Marcanti College in the release announcement I made earlier today. They funded most of the work that went into 0.6.0, and it probably wouldn't be here without their help. Without organizations like Marcanti College that are willing to invest in Open-Source software, this project would cease to exist.
I'd especially like to thank Hans van der Weij for getting 0.6.0 started and for testing it and reporting bugs. But he really deserves recognition for all the other work he does in this community. Whether it's cleaning spam off the wiki or helping users in the forums, I've really come to count on Hans for his excellent help and commitment to seeing OpenBiblio succeed.
Thank you! (0 comments)
Release 0.6.0
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 18:43:11 GMT
Version 0.6.0 is finally here -- late as usual. Its main new feature is a completely rewritten reports system. The new system is much more flexible, but just a bit more complicated to use. It also fixes a security hole that was present in the old reports system.
There are still a number of known bugs, including a lot of text that doesn't use the translation system. This has been an ongoing problem, but we're hoping to fix it (and a bunch of other longstanding issues) in the next major release.
From 0.6.0 on, we intend to use a new numbering convention. During the 0.5 cycle, we added features and made some major changes in point releases. After having been annoyed at other projects that do this (*cough* Linux *cough* MySQL *cough*) I've decided I don't want to be guilty myself. So the third number in the version will change when we make pure bugfix releases. Any feature changes will require a change to one of the higher numbers.
I guess that's about it for now. You can download 0.6.0 here (1 comments)
Release 0.5.2
Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:32:46 GMT
I just uploaded version 0.5.2. It fixes a number of security issues and introduces a number of new features over 0.5.1. No new features have been added since 0.5.2pre4, only bugfixes. In case you haven't noticed them, here are the major new features over 0.5.1:
- More flexible checkout privilege system
- User-definable custom fields for members and items (per material type)
- Hold expiration
- Renewal functionality
Because of the security fixes, all users are urged to upgrade.
Koha Library software, free download For Windows Xp
There are still a number of known bugs, including a lot of text that doesn't use the translation system. I apologize to the translators, but I needed to get the release out and didn't have time to find and fix them all. Many error messages and the entire install routine are not translated -- I know about these already. If you find anything else, though, please report it.
NOTE: There is still a major security issue in this release (and several previous ones). The problem is detailed in the install instructions and the release notes,but the bottom line is that you should not give reports access to any staffmember you don't trust. I will be fixing this very soon... no, I mean it ...come on, believe me! Well, you can think what you want to think, but you'll see.
This leads me to talking about the next release. It will incorporate the new reports/printing system I've been working on, and it will be the first release to use the new version numbering scheme. Expect posts and documentation about all of this in the days (possibly just hours) to come.
In the meanwhile, you can download 0.5.2 here. (0 comments)
0.5.2 Prerelease 4
Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:10:02 GMT
0.5.2pre4, a prerelease of OpenBiblio 0.5.2 is available for download and testing. It fixes many bugs and adds several new features over 0.5.1, a summary of these will be released soon.
If you can, please test 0.5.2 and report any bugs you find.
Unfortunately, 0.5.2 has (re)introduced a number of translation problems. If you are an OpenBiblio translator, or have experience with OpenBiblio's translation system and want to help get 0.5.2 ready, please contact Micah (mstetson@users.sourceforge.net).
You can download the prerelease from our file area. (0 comments)
Koha software, free download
New Version of oBiblioOPAC for Joomla! CMS
Thu, 16 Feb 2006 21:12:19 GMT
Harpiain AdrianoVieira has released a new version of his OpenBiblio OPAC component for the Joomla! CMS. You can get it from his project page.
This release includes a new translation system that should make it more accessible to the Brazilian-challenged among us ;-). (0 comments)
OpenBiblio OPAC for Joomla!
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:36:39 GMT
Adriano Vieira has just released an OpenBiblio OPAC component for the Joomla! CMS. You can get it from his project page.
Koha Library software, free download For Windows 8
The initial release is only in Brazilian Portuguese, but a new release is in the works with support for English and other translations. (1 comments)