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  1. words = {'i like boys', 'haider', 'im epic fail', 'gorilla', 'monkey', 'l33t', 'im stupid', 'hey nuubz', 'pancaiks ftl', 'caik is a lie', 'poopies', 'puppies are cute', 'i like stuff', 'epic sauce', 'wallet', 'free willie', 'xsoul ftw', 'you lose', 'lolwutpie', 'ilikesaucewhichisntsauce', 'naoob', 'epicsuaceisntepicbutitsprettycoolsaucexdxd', 'everyone fails except me!'}
  2. ct = {'Good work, boi.', 'Congrats >_>', ' VIRUSED =D Well anyways congrats. ', 'You're epic sauceeee', 'Trolled nuub!1!!', 'You won. IM IMPRESSED!', ' more virus, gz.', 'indiana jones to the rescue.'}
  3. fail = {'Bye noob. U cant spell.', 'Epic fail.', 'YOU FAIL TROLOLOLO', 'Teehee, u better think faster.', 'Better luck next time!', 'in soviet russia, noobs lose points.', 'Why always noobs lose points?'}
  4. games = math.random(4,7)
  5. local stats ='IntValue')
  6. local points ='IntValue')
  7. points.Value = 0
  8. losts.Name = 'Lost'
  9. points.Parent = stats
  10. stats.Parent = player
  11. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  12. end
  13. local plyrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()
  14. msg.Text = 'Chatting minigame starting... '..lolga..' game(s) left.'
  15. wait(1.5)
  16. for i=1, math.random(15,35) do
  17. player = plyrs[math.random(1,#plyrs)]
  18. end
  19. word = words[math.random(1,#words)]
  20. timenao = time
  21. msg.Text = player.Name..', you have to say: '..word..' in '..time..' seconds, or YOU LOSE'
  22. player.Chatted:connect(function(mes)
  23. if string.find(string.lower(mes),string.lower(word)) then
  24. msg.Text = ct[math.random(1,#ct)]
  25. vic.SoundId = 'rbxasset://sounds/victory.wav'
  26. vic.Pitch = math.random(9,10)/10
  27. local stat = player:findFirstChild('leaderstats')
  28. stat.Points.Value = stat.Points.Value + (timenao*2)
  29. wait(0.3)
  30. end
  31. end)
  32. if lolwut true then
  33. msg.Text = player.Name..', you have to say: '..word..' in '..fd..' seconds or YOU LOSE'
  34. end
  35. if lolwut true then
  36. msg.Text = fail[math.random(1,#fail)]
  37. lose.SoundId = ''
  38. lose.Pitch = math.random(8,10)/10
  39. if player ~= nil then
  40. local stat = player:findFirstChild('leaderstats')
  41. stat.Lost.Value = stat.Lost.Value + 1
  42. end
  43. wait(0.3)
  44. wait(1.2)
  45. else
  46. wait(4)
  47. end
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