Fender Amp Date Serial Number

  1. Without date codes from transformers, pots and/or speakers, it’s not possible to predict amp dates by serial number. Eventually, the hope is to have enough info for a more detailed breakdown on the B series, A+6 digit and F+6 digit series. For now, the dating schemes for these series are: A6 + 5-digits – 1976-77.
  2. DATING FENDER TUBE AMPS BY SERIAL NUMBER, PART 1 BY GREG GAGLIANO COPYRIGHT 1997, 20TH CENTURY GUITAR MAGAZINE. And: Your ultimate source for historical guitar amplifier information: THE AMP GUIDE. By Eric Barbour - Former Vacuum Tube Valley senior editor What the tubes do in most Fender tube amps.

From 1953 to 1967, this was a two-letter stamp that corresponded with the month and year the amp was manufactured. For instance, if the amp was manufactured in March of 1955, the serial code would be EC. E for 1955 and C for March. This two-letter production stamp continued in 1990 when Fender began reissuing Fender Bassman Amplifiers.

Posted on April 21 2020

Vintage Fender guitar amplifiers are easy to date if you know where to look. A guitar amplifier is more than just a guitar speaker; it's an essential part of a guitarist's tone. Fender guitar amplifiers made between 1946 and 1980 have many parts that are easy date. If you're looking for 'how old is my Fender amp?' then you've come to the right place.

If you're looking for a professional's help on your vintage Fender guitar amp, contact me here. Contact me here tosell a vintage Fender amp.

Here are the three most important places to look to help date your Fender guitar amp: tube chart code and transformer date codes. Since the serial numbers on Fender guitar amplifiers were pre-stamped on the chassis before the amp was assembled, they're not a very good way to date the amp. Vintage Fender guitar amp serial numbers are not entirely sequential so a lower number doesn't necessarily mean an older amp. We don't have documentation to cross reference these numbers so any attempt to date with a serial number is often a few years off.

Tube Chart letter date stamps

Fender amplifiers from around 1953 until 1969 almost always have a two letter ink stamp that indicates the year and month the amp was assembled. You can find the tube chart by looking in the back of the amp on the left or right wall. Here's an example of a tube chart on a vintage Fender guitar amplifier:

This tube chart has the large ink stamp with letters 'OL'. These two letters indicate the year and the month that the amplifier was assembled. In this case, 'O' indicates 1965 and 'L' indicates December. Do you see a two letter ink stamp on the tube chart of your vintage Fender guitar amplifier? Here's a chart below that shows what year and month your amp was assembled:

Letter -- First Digit -- Second Digit

A (not used for year), January

B (not used for year), February

C 1953, March

D 1954, April

Fender Amp Date By Serial Number

E 1955, May

F 1956, June

G 1957, July

H 1958, August

I 1959, September

J 1960, October

K 1961, November

L 1962, December

M 1963

N 1964

O 1965

P 1966

Q 1967

Transformer Date Codes

Fender amp date serial number to text

The next place to look for help with 'how old is my Fender amp?' is the power and output transformer date code. The transformers the large square or rectangular boxes hanging down from the chassis on the inside back of the amp. Fender utilized a few different brands of transformers but the most common are Schumacher and Triad. Here is an example of a chassis that has been removed from a Fender guitar amp so we can see the transformers:

This vintage Fender Vibro Champ amp chassis shows the power transformer on the left (large black rectangular) and the output transformer in the middle (smaller aluminum colored rectangular shape). Both of these transformers are original to the amp and have date codes that indicate the year and the week that the transformer was manufactured.

The output transformer here (middle) has two codes but only the bottom code is helpful for dating. The date code on this transformer reads '-606-6-27.' '606 is the manufacturer's code (Schumacher), '6' indicates the last digit of the year so this one could be 1956 or 1966, and '27' is the week of the year. Since we think the rest of the amp was made in the mid 1960s, we can assume that this date code indicates the 27th week of 1966 made by Schumacher.

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Fender Bassman Serial Number Lookup

Tips to help you accurately date your Fender Japan guitar...
First, you want to determine whether your guitar is from the JV, SQ, MIJ or CIJ series.
Q: What's the difference and how can you tell?
A: The serial number of your guitar will begin with one of the above lettering sequences. Fender Japan used
all of the above lettering sequences for the serial numbering of their guitars and basses over the years, and
knowing this first will help you determine the year of manufacture. These stamps can be found in different
locations on your guitar, so now I'll tell you where you need to look to find these markings...
JV... acronym for 'Japan Vintage' On these guitars you will find the letters 'JV' stamped/engraved into the
neck plate of the Stratocasters and bass guitars and on the bridges of the Telecasters and other guitar
models. There will be 5 numbers also engraved after the 'JV' lettering. Fender 'JV' guitars were only
made from 1982 to 1984. On early Fender JV models, you will also find 'MADE IN JAPAN' written very
small under the Fender spaghetti logo on the headstock of the guitar. On later Fender JV models, the
'MADE IN JAPAN' can be found on the heel of the guitar neck, just above the metal neck plate. All
Fender JV models had the serial numbers engraved into either the neck plate or bridge. Many also have
penciled neck dates (
6-14-82) you can only see when the neck is removed from the body of the guitar.
SQ... acronym for 'Squier' These models were made by a different division of Fender and bear the Squier logo
and not the Fender logo. These models have the serial numbering and markings in the same location as
Fender JV guitars, and were made only during the years 1983 to 1984.
MIJ... acronym for 'MADE IN JAPAN' These models spanned the years from 1984 to 1997. You will find the
MADE IN JAPAN stamp on the heel of every guitar's neck, without variation. On Stratocasters and bass
guitars, you will find the serial number just below this stamp, also on the heel of the neck. On Telecasters
and certain other models, you will find the serial number on the bridge. The serial numbers will start with
a letter that corresponds to specific years of production. My chart will help you determine those specifics.
You will not find the MADE IN JAPAN stamp on the headstocks of Fender MIJ guitars.
CIJ... acronym for 'CRAFTED IN JAPAN' These guitars were made from 1997 and are still being manufactured
today. They follow the same serial numbering patterns as the Fender MIJ models.
Please refer to the chart I have provided below in order to pinpoint the exact year your guitar was manufactured...
: Indonesian Squier Serial Number Lookup
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