My development team was involved in a project years ago that required migrating 200 Configuration Items (CI's) such as JCL, PROC, SYSIN Cards, Source code, DBRMLIB members, Loadlib members, not to mention running BIND Packages on DB2 programs. The scarier part is that the migration needs to be done in a day. Our installation does not have a tool to help us migrate CI's so everything had to be done manually.
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The way we did this before this project was to keep a list of CI's to be migrated and days before migration, we would prepare the JCL, two people will go through the list, making sure that all the CI's are listed.AHLSORT is a full function generic sort, merge, join and data manipulation utility that runs on Windows and Unix platforms. It supports all data formats and record types, provides general purpose record level processing for file and data conversions. Vijay: The best way to find out about the syntax is to contact Tech Support. They are able to respond much more quickly and with a higher degree of accuracy.
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I kept a list of the items as a flat file. The process at that time was quite crude because I was not familiar yet with the power of SYNCSORT. The list of items had the source PDS, the member. Based on the PDS name, the job will generate JCL to perform other functions.For example, if it was a SYSIN card, then the generated job will copy the member from source PDS to target PDS using IEBCOPY. If it was a source, the generated job will copy the source, copy the Loadlib member, copy the compile listing, and if it was a DB2 program, copy the DBRMlib member and do a BIND Package.
Advantages of this approach. The advantage of this approach is that if you keep the list during development and used this to migrate to test, you would have also tested your list of CI's to be migrated, so that once you are ready to deploy to Production, you know you have the complete list of CI's to be deployed and also the corresponding processes needed to make the deployment correct. There is no more room for the migrator to forget doing a step because everything is generated correctly.